Hero Academia Season 2 Episode 11: A Thrilling Turn of Events!

hero academia season 2 episode 11

Hey there, fellow manga enthusiasts! Today, we’re diving into the heart-pounding world of Hero Academia Season 2 Episode 11. Brace yourself for some electrifying twists and turns, my friends, because this episode is full of surprises!

Fire Quirks

The aftermath of Midoriya’s epic battle with Todoroki has left the audience speculating about his true motivations. Bakugo, understandably annoyed, can’t help but wonder what’s going on inside Midoriya’s head. Meanwhile, Endeavor, the powerful hero, showered Todoroki with praises but also expressed concern about his reckless use of his left side. Endeavor even goes as far as inviting Todoroki to join his agency, recognizing him as a stronger version of himself. However, Todoroki needs some time to think before making a decision.

In the midst of all this, Recovery Girl shares some concerning news about Midoriya’s injuries. His fractured body won’t heal the same way as before, and she needs to perform surgery to remove the splinters. Frustrated by All Might and his students’ disregard for safety, the doctor makes it clear that their actions have gone too far this time. But hey, that’s what heroes do, right?

Another Way

The battles continue as Iida takes on Shiozaki and emerges victorious with his incredible speed. Tokoyami follows suit, triumphing over Ashido with a similar technique. However, despite Recovery Girl’s best efforts, Midoriya’s hand remains battered. She advises him and All Might to find a different solution—one that isn’t as destructive as Midoriya’s powerful quirk.

In a heartfelt moment, All Might reveals his own experience of being quirkless as a child. He shares how his master believed in him and raised him to become a hero. All Might sees that same potential in Midoriya, marveling at how he has exceeded his expectations. There’s something unique that only Midoriya can bring to the table.

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Meanwhile, Iida finds himself entangled in his own struggles. As he fights in the tournament, he longs for his brother’s guidance. Little does he know that his brother is pursuing a dangerous villain known as the Hero Killer, Stain. Their confrontation ends in a bloodied mess, leaving Iida anxious about his brother’s condition.

Looming Threats

As the matches progress, Bakugo faces Kirishima, and his explosive quirk is met with a surprising challenge. Kirishima’s hardening ability proves effective against Bakugo’s relentless blasts, putting him on the defensive. In the stands, Iida joins Midoriya to discuss the upcoming rounds, determined to reach out to his brother once the battles conclude.

The intensity builds as the first semifinal between Iida and Todoroki begins. These two exceptional boys from elite hero families clash in a battle of epic proportions. Iida’s incredible speed allows him to land a powerful kick on Todoroki, but Todoroki quickly turns the tables by freezing Iida’s engines. In the end, Todoroki emerges victorious.

In the other semifinal match, Bakugo faces off against Tokoyami. With the brightness of his explosions, Bakugo manages to overpower Tokoyami’s dark shadow. Bakugo’s determined efforts reveal Tokoyami’s weakness, leading to his surrender.

But before we can witness the grand final between Bakugo and Todoroki, tragedy strikes. Iida receives a phone call informing him that his brother has been gravely injured during a confrontation with a villain. The stakes have never been higher!

Our Thoughts

As this exhilarating tournament comes to a close, we can’t help but anticipate what lies ahead. With great pacing and gripping storytelling, Hero Academia Season 2 Episode 11 earns a solid rating of 3.8/5. The stage is set for the next arc, promising even more thrilling adventures to come.

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Hero Academia

That’s it for today, folks! Stay tuned for more exciting updates on your favorite manga and anime right here at Fecomic.

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